Wednesday 5 October 2016

The poem on depression

I want to begin this by saying that illnesses, which is what i believe issues like these are, should be dealt with. While i wrote this to help those who suffer to raise there voice and be honest about their issues, you as an individual must always be active. Problems do not disappear i urge everyone to seek advice or find help, simply just telling someone trustworthy or close what's wrong is more than enough. To battle with mental illness you need to surround yourself with positive things and people, never keep things inside your mind no matter how hard it hurts to speak out but most of all be active, seek the help you need.

The spiral

Why try you lie I die
at night that mind takes flight a cold dream a grip tight 
the blame lies the tears fly the screams cry    I sigh    I ask why
 watch the time
don’t say this tell me that curled up tight lone falling through cracks
what happened to me I see the mind pull away at its own seams
a lack belief in its own faltering being , slip in a dash solid infirmity solidly brewing
a lead coated brain, a hidden wound known to drain the toxins are tame
 slithering poisons gain ground like rabid fetid hounds thoughts creep in
seep in but no sleeping just weeping
a bad thought is like a reverse Rumpelstiltskin
bleakness weaves the gold into rotting sin
 it is the mind the Brain, the host of this game it’s a war lay your claim
 do you want control over relationship’s or your mortality and how to deal with this?
every second that should pass seconds are now hours and do last and seconds inside of seconds section you alone for the second time you think about the seconds it takes to end your life the seconds it takes for those to forget the seconds it takes to do what’s best they don’t want you there sick of every second now the seconds in your head these seconds you live off are waste of an essence there’s no sense all struggle
as those seconds wrap around, blocking the rational voices the graceful sound a bubble
now the haze stopped the graze of this self-hating movement
notice the time you’ve lost, days, you never moved in a mental grave you lay
you need to move seize the day.

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