Friday 23 February 2018

A poem about knowing somethings wrong

Sycophants united under paisley corridors,
Mumbled words creep through pursed lips
Sufferers and saviours divided by doors.
Meek creatures curled up with clipboards,
Unsteady hands scribble unstable words
Like the lines on the skin, deeply scored.
Approach the desk, request the form,
Don’t want a panic reel it back
My thoughts are locusts see one, see the swarm.
Behind the safety glass the office robot asks,
“Mr Adler will see you now”
Empty eyes rise up to look for the man with the mask.
The plastic stoicism that draws you in,
Relaxed lips let the tongue coerce the words from your throat,
Before they make your mask to contain the mental din.
I will not cosy up to clean smiles.
I am the loathing neurosis that hides.
I am my problems they keep me alive.

The hypocrisy swirls around my head,
The hollow sockets of doctors push the thoughts in
I dragged myself here but left my honesty in bed.
His questions hang like a hook on a suture,
Even silence leaves me alone and exposed
Therapist: the shorthand for rabid pursuers.
My heart pushes desperately to induce caring delirium,
Turn the talking into physical displays of internal suffering
I push it down while my leg bounces violently to make it clear to him.
Pushed in a corner seat his hand comes out in gentle outreach,
A low hanging face asks me “do you think this would help?”
I couldn’t even answer, my thoughts deafened his speech.
“Don’t think we’ve forgotten, we’ll be in contact in a few weeks”